Intra-Department relationship

INTRA-DEPARTMENT RELATIONSHIP No individual department in any hotel can work in isolation. To achieve positive moments of truth in any service provided to the guests, no specific department can be responsible: in fact it should be a collective responsibility of all the departments concerned. Each department is equally important for proper functioning of hotel. The food and beverage service department is one of the major selling points of the hotel. All sections under the umbrella of the F&B department coordinate and cooperate with each other to achieve objectives of the department that are customer, management, and employee focused. The following shows the intra –departmental relationship between sections. 1. Food Production In a food and beverage outlet, the F&B production has the most important role to play. Items prepared/dressed here are the ones that the service personnel sell. To be successful in its operations, it coordinates with the other F&B Sect

Welfare Catering


This category of catering is done not for the objective of making money but as a welfare measure for the target group. One of the major factors in such kind of catering is the consideration of the cost. Since this kind of catering is done as a welfare measure and no profit is expected, so cost becomes a very important factor. Non-commercial operation include catering services in institution such as prison, schools, hospitals, and industries, colleges, universities and old age homes .

Among the different branches of welfare catering, the following are the most important ones:

  • Industrial Catering
  • Institutional Catering
  • Service Catering

1 Industrial Catering

This branch of welfare catering is carried out in the industrial units or manufacturing units. In the manufacturing industries food is cooked for three levels of employees. They are the shop floor level workers, the supervisors and the managers or executives. While the menu is planned for the shop floor level workers, maximum consideration is given to the aspect of nutritional requirements of the workers. Menu is planned in a cyclic manner i.e. the same menu keeps coming back after a particular interval. Cost is next important factor in this kind of catering operations. Service is done either from buffet or plated from various counters to avoid delay and rush. For the supervisor the menu is planned taking into consideration the amount of physical work put in by them on regular basis. The supervisors are normally served from the buffet. There is separate set of menu for executives in a restaurant specifically built in the premises. They may have silver service done here. Industrial catering may be operated by the company or by outside contractors.

2 Institutional Catering

This category of catering deals with the service of food and beverage for the students in school or any other educational institutions. This also deals with food served to inmates in prison or an orphanage, etc. in a school or any other educational institution. The primary concern is to cater the appropriate nutritional need of that particular age group. So utmost care has to be taken while planning the menu. Cost is also an important factor which is kept in mind while planning the menu. Food is normally served from a counter to which the students approach in a queue or pick up the food by a couple of servers standing behind the counter. Emphasis is also given to the pace of service.

3 Service Catering

Here the catering refers to the food and beverage service carried out in military establishments. In the peacetime areas, the food and beverage is served to the officers in the officer’s mess which is pretty high restaurant for which the amount can be directly deducted from the salary of the officers. Dinning in the officer’s mess is not compulsory and normally the officers avail of the facility as per their discretion. Apart from this the officers are also given free supply of ration once in every 2 to 3 days. In the front of course the food is served free to all the personnel.


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