Intra-Department relationship

INTRA-DEPARTMENT RELATIONSHIP No individual department in any hotel can work in isolation. To achieve positive moments of truth in any service provided to the guests, no specific department can be responsible: in fact it should be a collective responsibility of all the departments concerned. Each department is equally important for proper functioning of hotel. The food and beverage service department is one of the major selling points of the hotel. All sections under the umbrella of the F&B department coordinate and cooperate with each other to achieve objectives of the department that are customer, management, and employee focused. The following shows the intra –departmental relationship between sections. 1. Food Production In a food and beverage outlet, the F&B production has the most important role to play. Items prepared/dressed here are the ones that the service personnel sell. To be successful in its operations, it coordinates with the other F&B Sect...

Non Residential Catering


This category includes catering establishments, which provide the facility of food and beverage. No accommodation is provided. The main examples are as follows:
  • Restaurants
  • Pubs
  • Bars
  • Night clubs
  • Discotheques
  • Kiosks
  • Fast food outlets
  • Cafeteria

1 Restaurant

These are into the business of serving only food and beverage to the customers. They do not provide the facility of accommodation. They can be attached to a hotel or independently existing. A restaurant can be either a multi-cuisine or a specialty restaurant. Specialty restaurant normally operates for lunch and dinner. Specialty restaurant can be attached to a hotel or can independently exist. Multi-cuisine restaurant are traditionally stand –alone or independently existing. Specialty restaurants are comparatively more expensive than the multi-cuisine restaurants. Specialty restaurants serve one type of cuisine like either Chinese or Indian or Italian or Mexican, etc. each and every aspect of the service reflects some typicality of that culture or region whose cuisine is being served.

2 Bar

Bar specializes in alcoholic beverage service. Bar can be attached to a hotel or can independently exist. Although some kinds of light snacks are served, their main commodity of business is alcoholic beverage. They are strictly regulated by the governmental regulations. All the bars have a specific time of operation and they are not supposed to operate after that. Each and every transaction record is kept appropriately authority and the necessary records are produced before the appropriate authority as and when they asked for. All the inventories are to be maintained as per the guidelines laid down by the concerned authorities and their records are to be maintained accordingly.

3 Discotheque

These are F&B outlets, which are mainly into the business of dance and encourage people to come and dance in these outlets. Discotheques are attached to a hotel or can independently exist. Most discotheques are attached to a bar to serve alcoholic beverages to the patrons. Discotheques have strict hours of operation and their operations are strictly regulated by the regulations laid down by the government or any other component local authority. All discotheques have a dance floor attached for the customers to dance. Discotheques are marked by unique lighting and music arrangement to create an ambience to encourage patrons to dance.

4 Pubs

The concept of pubs started in the traditional British society with an objective of encouraging the old and the retired people to assemble and chitchat over a bottle of beer. Traditionally pubs serve beer only. Over the years, the concept of pubs has changed and they are not different than bars serving all kinds of alcoholic beverages. In India local law strictly regulates the operation of pubs and just like bars they too have specific operational timings.

5 Nightclubs

These are F&B outlets, which are traditionally open for the members and not for outsiders. The nightclubs start operating late in the evening and continue operating till quite late at night. Alcoholic beverages are served. Snacks and light meals are also served. Nightclub operations traditionally involve some kind of an entertainment either in form of musical performance, group or solo dance, cabaret and floor show, etc.

6 Kiosks

Independently existing food stalls are known as kiosks. They are small food outlets which deal with ready-made foodstuffs, bottled beverages, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. They have no specific timings of operation but most of them stop operating after mid-night.

7 Fast food outlets

Fast food outlets are recent development in India although fast food concept has existed in the western countries since many years back. Fast food outlets specialize in food which can be prepared fast, served fast and eaten comfortably on the way to office or work place. Not much seating arrangement is given and emphasis is given on quick preparation and service of food. Most fast food outlets operations involve guest going up to the counter and ordering for food and beverage and making payment at the same counter, collecting his order from either the same or nearby counter and eating in the same premises itself or carrying it to be eaten on his way.

8 Cafeteria

These are normally seen attached to airport, railway stations, etc. In these outlets food is displayed in glass counter and the guest are excepted to move along the counter and pick up the food they like and either pay then and there or pay at the end of the counter. Seating arrangements are provided in the cafeteria.

9 Vendors

SThey are generally present on main roadside and railway platforms. They generally deal with local food and non-alcoholic beverages. They normally cater to financially weaker section of the society. No seating arrangement is provided due to lack of space. Generally people on movement avail these facilities; hence these units deal with food and beverage, which can be picked up conveniently and eaten on the move.


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